Why Custom Business Signs Are Your Best Marketing Tool

If I was asked, "What is the best feature of a custom business sign?"  It would be an easy answer for me.  I'd definitely say it is their marketing capabilities.  Signs don't take days off, their branding is consistent and they promote your business day and night.  Some think that signs are just letters on a wall.  But they can be so much more than that.

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Visible to all who pass by your location

Custom business signs are designed to be seen by all who travel past your building.  Each sign type has a specific target audience.  Pylon signs and on-building signs such as LED illuminated letter sets target traffic that is further away and usually travelling at higher speeds.  Monument signs are easily viewed by local traffic as well as people on foot and bikers.  

Working 24/7

An LED illuminated sign is always working for you.  It showcases your brand in a clear and consistent message both day and night.  This is especially important for hospitals, clinics, urgent care and emergency rooms.  Patients and visitors are counting on being able to identify their destination in a timely manner.  And having that visibility both day and night is extremely important in doing so. 

Consumer comfort

Consistent branding across multiple locations is important for your customers.  They know when they see your exterior sign, that they will be getting the same services or goods across all locations.  And that is comforting for people.  You know when you're out of town and you see your favorite grocery store's sign, the quality of food will be exactly what you're expecting.

Custom messages

With LED message displays you can not only supplement your branding but also advertise events, showcase new products or services and present your company in a more personable way.  They are an excellent medium to interact with the public and give them information to which they might normally not have access.      

Signs are so much more than letters on a wall.  People use them as a way to identify entrances, provide information and create a uniform consumer experience across different locations.  When they are utilized as a marketing tool, their impact is extensive.  If you're looking for a custom business sign to make an impact on your marketing, give us a call today!  


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